28 Nov Top 7 Tips for Organizing Kitchen Cabinets
Let’s face it, organizing kitchen cabinets can get super overwhelming. You go to clean them out one day and suddenly every surface in your kitchen is covered with dishes, cookware, and maybe a few appliances you’d forgotten you still had. So how do you organize all these things into your kitchen cabinets, and what’s the “right” way to do it? We’ve compiled a list of some tips and tricks to help you make your cabinets perfect. You’ll never have to worry about where you left that one spoon you need, or where to keep the blender, because everything will be exactly where it needs to be
1. Organize Your Cookware
A cornerstone of your kitchen, you need to make sure your pots and pans are organized well. The best way to organize them is to simply stack them together. Keep the pots with the pots and the pans with the pans and place them in a cabinet near the stove where they’ll be used most often. Be sure to place them in a lower cabinet so getting them out isn’t so cumbersome.
Now you’ll always know exactly where to look for your pots and pans, and they’ll be out of the way of your other cookware.
2. Organize and Store Kitchen Items in Groups
There’s a lot to keep up with in any kitchen, which means it’s easy for your cabinets to turn into chaotic collections of utensils, dishes, and a whole manner of kitchen necessities. Therefore, it’s important to keep all the same items together in your kitchen cabinets. Keep pots and pans together, place all the food in the same place, put spices and seasonings in their own cabinet, and so on.
Doing this makes your kitchen much easier to navigate and eliminates the stress of looking frantically for one specific item.
3. Invest in In-Drawer Organizers
When drawers get out of hand, it can be extra difficult to find things in your kitchen. If your utensils are floating around your drawer getting all mixed up, setting the table will become a real chore. But it doesn’t have to be. With a drawer organizer, you can get your drawers under control and make finding your utensils a breeze. It’s a good idea to invest in multiple drawer organizers so all your drawers can be well organized. And make sure you keep certain utensils in parts of the kitchen where they’ll be used most often.
If there is a part of the kitchen where you do all your prep, keep knives in the nearest drawer. Or keep spoons and ladles in the drawer nearest to the stove.
4. Store your Kitchen Appliances in the Same Place
Keeping your appliances together will help your kitchen feel more organized. The thing is, these can take up a lot of space in your cabinets if you’re not careful. Set aside a cabinet just for appliances and keep all the accessories together. Determine which appliances you use daily and keep those towards the front. If you’re still having trouble fitting all your appliances in one cabinet, keep the ones you use most often out on the counter and keep the ones you use less frequently up in the cabinets. Just group the appliances on the counter together so they are out of the way while you’re cooking.
5. Utilize Extra Shelves Where They’re Needed
Even with how much space cabinets have, keeping everything organized and in line can get tricky. You may find that you have enough room for all your dishes or pans, but only if you stack them on top of the other items in the cabinet. This is an easy way to create another mess. If you find yourself in this predicament, look for extra shelves that you can add to your cabinets. This will give you extra space to put things while avoiding messy piles of dishes.
6. Use Dividers for Cutting Boards and Sheet Pans
Storing cutting boards and sheet pans can get difficult when you’re working with limited space. Stacking them one on top of the other is about the worst thing you can do, even though it may seem like the obvious choice. The best way to store them is vertically, either right next to each other in a cabinet or in a special organizational cabinet. If you have several cutting boards and sheet pans you want to store, and you’re getting new cabinets, look up cabinets that can hold these items.
7. Designate Specific Cabinets for Certain Items
When you’re in the kitchen making a meal, the last thing you want to think about is where that one specific ingredient is, or where you put that one special pan you need. Looking for that one thing you need can make a big mess as you dig through cabinets to find it.
If you find yourself doing this every time you cook, it’s time to organize your cabinets by item. Keep your cookware in cabinets near the stove and store other dishes in the cabinets nearest to the dishwasher. Now everything is close by where it is used most, and you don’t need to dig through your cabinets anymore. Also remember to keep your most-used items towards the front of your cabinet, so it’s easier to get to them when you need them.
Cleaning out and reorganizing your cabinets doesn’t need to be a chore. In fact, it can be revitalizing. Maybe you’ve been avoiding your kitchen because it feels overwhelming or hard to navigate. But now that you have a framework for organizing your kitchen, you can make it as comforting and welcoming as any other room in your house. Now instead of wasting time looking for stray utensils and wayward dishes, you can let your creative juices flow as you create exciting new recipes. So, here’s hoping organizing your cabinets gives you not just a sense of accomplishment, but a sense of calm and plenty of inspiration.
Why Choose RTA Cabinets 365?
RTA Cabinets 365 is proud to offer RTA and assembled kitchen cabinets made with high-quality materials at an affordable price. We offer a wide selection of cabinets guaranteed to fit every kitchen, with a great selection of colors to choose from as well. You can also choose free samples of our cabinets to see them in your kitchen before you buy or let us show you what one of our cabinets will look like in your kitchen with our free kitchen design service. And if you need some tips on assembling your RTA cabinets, you can check out our assembly videos to see how to put them together. Check out RTA Cabinets 365 today and find your perfect new cabinets!
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